Pictomancer Hotbar Layouts and Guides
This page lists all player-created Hotbar (HB) and Cross Hotbar (XHB) layouts and keybinding setup guides for the Pictomancer job in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
Though the Fifth Astral Era is most famously associated with the War of the Magi, a wealth of lesser-known legends were forged in that bygone age. Among them is the tale of Archon Relm, an itinerant artist and mage who relinquished her traditional staff for a magicked brush. With it, she would render abstract images to life, establishing an entirely new school of magic in so doing. Masters of this arcane discipline follow in the Archon's footsteps, wielding vibrant hues of aether to invoke all manner of fantastical beasts, weapons, and landscapes from their mind's eye─for the source of a pictomancer's power lies not in their artistic skill, but the richness of their imagination, with which they strive to paint a brighter future.
Test Picto Bars 2
Testing Testing
Test Picto Bars
Testing Testing
Filmire's Lv.100 Pictomancer 🎮
View a full explanation for this layout:
LV 100 PCT Hotbar
Splorp splorp splorp, pretty picture!!
Right side of LT/RT for instant cast actions, to make movement easier. Left side for things with cast timers and Scenic Muse, which has a long cooldown.
RT, RT for actions that are used less frequently (or that I haven't unlocked and don't have a home for yet). LT, LT is the standard layout for my ranged/caster DPS classes.
Minha Barra de PCT
- Barra 1 single target
- Barra 2 Buffs e roles
- Barra 3 AOE
Coisas comuns como limit break, sprint e etc estão na WXHB (R2R2 ou L2L2)
Da'Momo's Pictomancer
I created my chotbars to be comfortable, practical, and aesthetic.(to me anyway) Nearly all same/similar skills are in the same position across all jobs/roles while allowing for as little finger gymnastics as possible.
My XHB is split between chotbars 2(left) and 7(right)
Just copied Nanaki's
Dawntrail Picto companion hotbars
for each job, I create a "hotbar" that is basically a monitor for cooldowns/any spell/skill I want to see the status of; I also have a hotbar with Role spells & skills, and, Sprint. These are the spells I have for Dawntrail. I use Hotbars 2 & 10 but you can use any Hotbars you want.
Mmo mouse set up
Everything is neatly lined up the way I like it. Normally i would put aoes same line as single target bar, but I like having scenic and starprism somewhere easily seen and pressed. pots go between smudge and sprint, but its all up to you!
PCT 7.05
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
For Left Keyboard Players
Order from Left to Right:
1, 2, 3, 4
Pictomancer "Easy to play"
After praticing differents ways to play Pictomancer, i find my build for cast easier my spells.
Maybe, it going to help other players, i hope so.
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Gutrune's Picto layout
hotbar 1 is single target bar hotbar 3 is aoe combo stuff
Althea's Picto Layout
A first run of a layout, influenced by my SMN and RDM layouts. ST on hotbar one, AoE on hotbar 2, other stuff on 3. I usually sit on either hotbar 1 or 2, depending on my needs, and switch between them with the R1 bumper.
Tweaked on 7/28/2024 - I added Rainbow Drip to the main two bars because it has a proc mechanism at times - you need to see that, not have it hidden on third bar!
7.01 Picto XHB
My final layout after several ex-trial/normal raid runs. I prefer expanded XHB over WXHB because it allows faster access compared to double tap.
Picto 7.01
This is what use as of now, I throw pots and stuff on the WXHB LT DPAD.
I have some spells on here twice for easy access during some rotations.
Main XHB - Single Target EXHB - AOE Expanded XHB - Utility
Radulf Rushe PCT 100
Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"
New job, so no changes log
Naya's Picto
For use with 3x4 MMO Mouse Notes: Hotbar 2 is on Shift Hotbar 3 is on CTRL
On Hotbar 3, I have these alternate binds: 8 set to Middle Mouse Click 11 set to SHIFT + Middle Mouse Click 7 set to E 9 set to Q
Wanhope PCT Bars
Hotbar 1, single target. Main raid bar.
Hotbar 2, utility, buffs, repeats Accessed via expanded controls
- Squeezing both triggers
Tabi's 123QE Pictomancer lvl 80
keybinds: 1,2,3,4,Q,E,R,F (C, X, Z, 5)
Row 2: CTRL+
FF14: PCT-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
tey's picto
- for G600 mmo mouse
- addle on f1 and surecast on f3
- combo on same buttons as other classes as not to get confused, also my fingers rest naturally on those buttons
- aoe combos on second bar to match the other jobs
- canvas actions at the top of the first bar
- shield mirrors shield placement on SMN
- might move swiftcast around
PCT MMO mouse
First attempt to make panels for MMO mouse with 2 3x4 hotbars and 1 6x2 for utility
Pct hotbars beginner
Personal one I have edited while in dungeons and trails and such.
1- 1-0,-,=
Cross Hotbar Settings for Beginners, by Beginners
This guide is for beginners like me who don't want to think about pressing LT twice or LT⇒RT or RT⇒LT... I want to use my brain as little as possible. For slot 8's RT⇒LT, set both display sets to 'XHB Set 8: Right' from the system menu. Since I'm not even at level 100 yet, I believe there are many parts that will need adjustment.
Picto Controller Layout
Just tried my best have a good flow that made sense. I put the painting actions on dpad and regular attack actions on face buttons this helped me most to have a good muscle memory flow and have painting and attacks be separated and bounce between them. Also made sure to have all painting actions in the same spot for muscle memory so creature will always be left, weapon bottom center, and scenery is always on the right.
Squintina-like PCT
Work In Progress. Squintina-like PCT panels.
level 80 pinto (g600/ 1 handed players)
I only use wasd for movements. all hotbar slots bound to mouse buttons.
stack each hotbar (as shown). i put the mini map in the middle gap. ends up looking like two 3x4 hotbars (left and right) the right hotbar is for gshift (or shift modifier).
Picto Basic
Rough draft of picto bars
Ayria Picto
3 is for AOE combo > R1 to cycle 1 is Standard Combo (Single Target) > Main R1 to cycle 2 is for Role skills, dash, limit break
Dawntrail cap
In this layout, I grouped the attack Motifs & Muses together, along with their action buttons, and your normal single target & group attacks and separated them from the other normal/non-motif/non-muse attacks. That neatly left room for Smudge on the main cross-bar, but you can switch that with Tempera Coat if you prefer. Since the Landscape Motif has such a large cooldown, I moved that to the 2nd cross-bar as you wouldn't need access to those actions frequently. Also, I have Tempera Grassa setup as executable after Tempera Coat, which is why it is not on the hotbars, but if you prefer them separate, you can take replace Smudge on the 2nd hotbar.
Dawntrail launch start
this layout I put together while learning and levelling, adding new spells as they unlock. It's not perfect, it's a bit all over the place, for example, the Muses & Motifs aren't grouped together, or even in the same position across the cross-bars, so I'd maybe line those up neater, but this is now ingrained in my muscle memory, and it will work when you immediately pick up the job. When you unlock, you don't have Rainbow Drip, so I'd initially put Smudge there, so it's on your main cross-bar and easy to access, and you don't have Comet In Black either so I'd put Tempera Coat there.
Octa's WIP PCT
tempura grassa is there for thoes that want to dissasemble it
Personal picto
Basic PCT Layout
PCT Controller Layout that makes sense to me.
AoE and Support Skills on 2nd Hotbar (Plus Sprint + LB bc space) Motifs/Muses/Single Target on Hotbar 1
7.0 Picto
I'm a left arm amputee - for 1-handed MMO mouse use (Logitech G600).
I'm just playing around but this has been working for me. I like being able to hit L2 and R2 in any order to get the third line here. Steel muse lines up over hammer stamp, subtraction pallete lines up over both blizzard and blizzard II. I like having my smudge (dash forward on this hotbar) with the X or Triangle buttons (on Playstation controllers). Haven't reached level 100 yet so there is still room to see how the other moves fit in. But it's a start.
Potential Picto
PCT 2 bars
1st: 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F,C,V,T
2nd: same but shift+PCT 7.0 G600
Mouse binds F1-F11, ESC
Unused mouse buttons free to use (Mounts, LB,...)Layout:
HB 1&2: 6x2 on top of eachother
HB3: 3x4 on the right of the other 2
Aether Currents = CompassPCT DT
MMO Mouse, most actions on 2 hotbars for easy Ctrl toggling
Picto Starter Layout
Picto Starter Layout
pct controller
tentative pct xhb layout, 3rd bar is both triggers, i have either combination go to the same hotbar
Seenoc PCT
Rough layout based on my other caster hotbars. I use 1-5, F1-5 and 2 side mouse buttons.
Pictomancer MMO Mouse 3x4
My starter Pictomancer hotbar for Dawntrail, designed to be played with an MMO mouse.
Nyx's Picto (2)
For g600
Picto - Rin Tsukino
Rin Tsukino's Pictomancer layout.
yea buddy
For my pictomancer
Pictomancer Controller
Hotbar 2 is for AOE
PCT 100 7.0
cringe bar
switch to 4 when using aoe
truly comfy layout for ease of use
Picto Controller
Wish the aether compass was an option. Otherwise I'm satisfied with this layout.
The basic idea is any ability, instant cast spell, or spells that are likely to be made instant cast via Swift or OOC shenanigans are on buttons for ease of movement.
Simple PictoBars
A simple pictomancer layout with an emphasis on keeping the aetherhue and motif actions on separate bars.
Simple Picto MOBA Controls
1:QWERTFGZXCV Shift+Space 2:Shift+QWERTFGZXCV Ctrl+Space 3:1234567890-= 4:Ctrl+1234567890-=
Compact Picto
Long cast spells on D-pad, no swapping between hotbars for AOE, and all job gauge actions on Expanded XHB since there is UI to monitor them.
PCT Controller
my controller setup based on dnc
Picto initial Dawntrail
Pictomancer xhotbar going into Dawntrail
Valen Bree
Controller Picto (based on Squintina)
Based on Squintina's youtube guides
Picto 100
Bar 1: 1-4, Row 2 Shift, Row 3 Ctrl
Bar 2: QERF, Row 2 Shift, Row 3 Ctrl
PCT hotbar wip
you know that shiiiitttttt
BLM to PCT Hotbars
Transferring over my muscle memory from BLM
3 sets of 2 rows, almost
Swappable Pict Bars
I use Shift 1 and Shift 3 to swap between Hotbar 1 and Hotbar 4, allowing all of the motif actions to be placed on the 4th Hotbar.
Picto + gap layout
PCT Bars
Hotbars for PCT
Picto Start Bar
Pictomancer start bars
Spells in hotbar 2 LT are intentionally redundant for utility CD tracking, which can easily be replaced with something else more useful to you.
Tentative PCT XHB Setup
May change later.
This one gonna be interesting. It draws inspiration from both Black Mage and Red Mage bars. Sprint is not shown because I keep that on a macro to be activated by pressing in on a control stick.
PCT Hotbars 7.0
Bar 1 Single target GCDs
Bar 2 OGCDs/Star Prism
Simple Picto (Pre 7.0)
A simple picto hotbar setup before dawtrail
Kalli's hotbars Naga mouse with "Shift" for Bar 2
ctrl/alt (4 instead of ctrl r)PCT Template
Taco's Pictomancer
Preemptive Dawntrail 100 Pictomancer
L2 + DP: Motifs and Shields and Movement
my picto
PCT Dawntrail
Requires splitting Tempura to make it look aesthetic
picto gaming
Pictomancer Dawntrail
kurkee brakzz
Take a Picto
I did a thing
Dye is pot
Tried to keep relative positions of RDM (swift, lucid) and DNC (dash, shield samba) actions from what I'm used to. Painting canvas doesn't need to be done on the AoE bar, so that frees up space for sprint + mount.
Tempera Grassa is optional to combine into same button as Tempera Coat so its not on here.
Picto Cross-Hotbar
expanded xhb are the same, for easy access, + only face for wxhb
scuffed picto layout
6 button mmo mouse
top bar is tilde, Q, mouse button 1, E, control 1-6
PCT guestamate
this should be comfy might swap aoes and white/black
Initial PCT Bars
Subject to change
Main actions left side ❤️
with all my jobs I have my main Gcd actions left face buttons and ogcds dpad , right side I have aoe and other important skills
Important utility skills across all jobs sit in same spot the dash would be rez spot if pic to had rez, I like these skills to be quickly accessible from both directions
pawsible layout for picto!
Picto Trial (2 mouse buttons, 2 modifiers)
Using standard 3-line set with shift and control as two separate modifiers, and access to M4 and M5
Subject to change, blah blah blah.
Pictomancer Layout
Hotbars are personal preference. Please use what works best for you instead of what others use.
PCT 7.0 HB Setup - Ku
- I use an G604 mouse.
- HB1 is 1-8 then QERF
- The other HB's use HB1 + a modifier key
- HB2 is a Shift modifier
- HB3 is an Alt modifier
- HB4 is Shift-Alt modifier
- HB5 is the CTRL modifier
Picto 7.0
Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.
The Dye represents potion, and Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.
gao's picto
my picto
PCT Layout (But only click some actions with mouse)
- tentative but prepped for my personal hotbars
- yes, I click the aoe rotation action one by one with mouse
- my finger max ranged is [Ctrl/Shift+5]
- no QERTZXCVB and Alt keybind
- other role actions have already been organized on another hotbar
PCT 7.0 Hotbar Setup
Prioritizing instant casts on face bars, painting on D-pad with swift nearby.
Personal Use concept
Jaes Bad bars
Picto XHB
Fits my usual priorities for hotbars:
- All instant GCDs go on face buttons
- gap closer goes on WXHB
- AOE replacements on XHB2
- Swap XHB1 and XHB2 with R1 tap
- everything else goes where it's convenient
picto maybe
Picto bars cursed
personal bars