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More Pictomancer layouts
Main XHB - Single Target EXHB - AOE Expanded XHB - Utility
7.01 Picto XHB
My final layout after several ex-trial/normal raid runs. I prefer expanded XHB over WXHB because it allows faster access compared to double tap.
Tabi's 123QE Pictomancer lvl 80
keybinds: 1,2,3,4,Q,E,R,F (C, X, Z, 5)
Row 2: CTRL+
Just copied Nanaki's
Test Picto Bars
Testing Testing
LV 100 PCT Hotbar
Splorp splorp splorp, pretty picture!!
Wanhope PCT Bars
Hotbar 1, single target. Main raid bar.
Hotbar 2, utility, buffs, repeats Accessed via expanded controls
- Squeezing both triggers
Test Picto Bars 2
Testing Testing
Mmo mouse set up
Everything is neatly lined up the way I like it. Normally i would put aoes same line as single target bar, but I like having scenic and starprism somewhere easily seen and pressed. pots go between smudge and sprint, but its all up to you!
Picto 7.01
This is what use as of now, I throw pots and stuff on the WXHB LT DPAD.
I have some spells on here twice for easy access during some rotations.
Da'Momo's Pictomancer
I created my chotbars to be comfortable, practical, and aesthetic.(to me anyway) Nearly all same/similar skills are in the same position across all jobs/roles while allowing for as little finger gymnastics as possible.
My XHB is split between chotbars 2(left) and 7(right)
Naya's Picto
For use with 3x4 MMO Mouse Notes: Hotbar 2 is on Shift Hotbar 3 is on CTRL
On Hotbar 3, I have these alternate binds: 8 set to Middle Mouse Click 11 set to SHIFT + Middle Mouse Click 7 set to E 9 set to Q
More layouts by nicolasge
Octa's NIN
Hurajin is on another bar somewhere cause it's only used post-mortem, and my hopes will never die
Octa's DNC
did you know: peloton and sprint do not stack together, peloton's 20% speed buff gets overwritten by sprint's 30%
this is also true for every othe speed buff that is lower than another, for example ninja's passive speed boost
Octa's MNK
monk hurts my brain don't take this hotbar seriously it's most likely not optimal, it works for me when i've had my food and water and sleep
Octa's AST
Please don't ever use Undraw PLEASE
Octa's WHM
/micon Asylum
/merror off
Octa's RDM
made to be used with holding R2+L2 and then dropping R2 to access the OGCDs (flèche, contre sixte) while doing the melee combo
Octa's GNB
/micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Royal Guard
Octa's DRK
/micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Grit
Octa's PLD
/micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Iron Will
Octa's WAR
/micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Defiance
Octa's Sage
I've got a Taurochole macro
/micon Taurochole /merror off /ac Taurochole /ac Druochole
Octa's SMN
i love eating legos