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More Monk layouts

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Fury generators on the right, fury spenders on the left. Need I say more?

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Form Shift - Dragon Kick - Twin Snakes - Demolish - Bootshine - True Strike - Snap Punch (this is the best opener and single target attack gives you all the buffs)

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I created my chotbars to be comfortable, practical, and aesthetic.(to me anyway) Nearly all same/similar skills are in the same position across all jobs/roles while allowing for as little finger gymnastics as possible.

    My XHB is split between chotbars 2(left) and 7(right)

  • Monk IconMNK
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lose Anatman.

    Not much change otherwise.

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    My controller setup for monk on controller

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Endwalker 90 Monk

    L2 + DP: Chakra buffs and Weird waitey buffs

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Just copied Nanaki's

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    How I set up my crossbars as a monk on steamdeck (Currently level ~65)

    I try to play every classes/jobs, thus I tend to reuse same slots for same "functionality" across jobs.

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.

    The Glamour Plate button is being used in place of the newly added skill as needed, and the dye represents potion. Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Valen Bree

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    From Bun Boss video but slighly modified

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More layouts by nicolasge

  • Pictomancer IconPCT
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    tempura grassa is there for thoes that want to dissasemble it

  • Ninja IconNIN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Hurajin is on another bar somewhere cause it's only used post-mortem, and my hopes will never die

  • Dancer IconDNC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    did you know: peloton and sprint do not stack together, peloton's 20% speed buff gets overwritten by sprint's 30%

    this is also true for every othe speed buff that is lower than another, for example ninja's passive speed boost

  • Astrologian IconAST
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Please don't ever use Undraw PLEASE

  • White Mage IconWHM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Asylum

    /merror off

  • Red Mage IconRDM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    made to be used with holding R2+L2 and then dropping R2 to access the OGCDs (flèche, contre sixte) while doing the melee combo

  • Gunbreaker IconGNB
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Royal Guard

  • Dark Knight IconDRK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Grit

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Iron Will

  • Warrior IconWAR
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Defiance

  • Sage IconSGE
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I've got a Taurochole macro

    /micon Taurochole /merror off /ac Taurochole /ac Druochole

  • Summoner IconSMN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    i love eating legos

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