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More Paladin layouts

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Definitely could be improved for movement while fighting but for whatever reason this is just what I use.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I got used to starting my rotations from right to left.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    This layout might be garbage, I'm learning how to play with a controller :)

    Hotbar 1 Right: single target filler rotation, buffs, and shield lob. Hotbar 2 Right: AOE rotation, buffs, and shield lob Hotbar 1/2 Left: Mitigations. Self buffs on face buttons, raidwide/targeted on directional.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lv60 Paladin Hotbars

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Hail JoCat! DEUS VULT

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Just copied Nanaki's

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Putting this up for a friend. I'm not a great tank so this is probably not optimal and/or is missing stuff. Not updated for 7.0.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    XHB 1 Single target XHB 2 Group target

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Paladin Level 100 Controller Hot Bars

    Hot Bar 6: Single Target DPS Hot Bar 7: Multi Target DPS Hot Bar 8: WXHB

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    How I set up my crossbars as a paladin on steamdeck (Currently level ~65)

    I try to play every classes/jobs, thus I tend to reuse same slots for same "functionality" across jobs.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Designed with minimal swapping between 1 and 2. Most GCD on the non-D pad to help with attacking and moving. Hotbar 8 L and R are same so no thinking. Hotbar 1 is Single target while Hotbar 2 is AOE minded. Hotbar 2 has mount + sprint so keep in mind. Dye = Pot for raiders, if not than whatever you want. Enabled customization when weapon is drawn/sheathed Hotbar 1 + 2. That means hotbar 3 you will manually have to switch to if you need stuff on there. part of my Tank series where similar skills are in the same spots and play roughly in same style. Please Enjoy!

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More layouts by nicolasge

  • Pictomancer IconPCT
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    tempura grassa is there for thoes that want to dissasemble it

  • Ninja IconNIN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Hurajin is on another bar somewhere cause it's only used post-mortem, and my hopes will never die

  • Dancer IconDNC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    did you know: peloton and sprint do not stack together, peloton's 20% speed buff gets overwritten by sprint's 30%

    this is also true for every othe speed buff that is lower than another, for example ninja's passive speed boost

  • Monk IconMNK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    monk hurts my brain don't take this hotbar seriously it's most likely not optimal, it works for me when i've had my food and water and sleep

  • Astrologian IconAST
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Please don't ever use Undraw PLEASE

  • White Mage IconWHM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Asylum

    /merror off

  • Red Mage IconRDM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    made to be used with holding R2+L2 and then dropping R2 to access the OGCDs (flèche, contre sixte) while doing the melee combo

  • Gunbreaker IconGNB
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Royal Guard

  • Dark Knight IconDRK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Grit

  • Warrior IconWAR
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    /micon Shirk /merror off /ac Shirk<t> /ac Defiance

  • Sage IconSGE
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I've got a Taurochole macro

    /micon Taurochole /merror off /ac Taurochole /ac Druochole

  • Summoner IconSMN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    i love eating legos

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