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  • Sage IconSGE
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    SGE Layout Pre-7.0

    6.55 Layout (Removed after 7.0 launch) : Here
    LT>RT remapped from Set 8 Left to Set 8 Right, only right half of Set 8 is used
    Set 1 - Primary Heals/CDs ; Set 2 - Utility + Raise ; Set 8 - DPS / Heal CDs


    Numbers correlate to Macros
    0 Psyche
    1 Philosophia
    Set 8 Left - Removed Abilities
    This set has been adjusted to be in line with my WHM 7.0 Preliminary

  • Sage IconSGE
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    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"

  • Sage IconSGE
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    SGE Layout 6.55 (Not 7.0-Able)
    LT>RT remapped from Set 8 Left to Set 8 Right, only right half of Set 8 is used
    Set 1 - Primary Heals/CDs ; Set 2 - Utility + Raise ; Set 8 - DPS / Heal CDs

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    I've got a Taurochole macro

    /micon Taurochole /merror off /ac Taurochole /ac Druochole

  • Sage IconSGE
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    Auto Attack is used as a placeholder for Psyche in 7.0, and Jump is in place of Eudaimonia

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    Sage Crossbars | Patch 7.05

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    Just copied Nanaki's

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    Still learning best ways to access what I use most, but this so far feels like the best flow to me.

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    Thanks for the credit distraughtklownz! =)

  • Sage IconSGE
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    Note: Sprint and Limit Break should be on a Shared Hotbar!!!

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  • Sage IconSGE
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    Macro0: Kerachole <wait>/Rhizomata

    Macro1: Icarus <2>/Icarus <t>

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