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More layouts by sdcristo

  • Red Mage IconRDM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Samurai IconSAM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Scholar IconSCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions.

  • Warrior IconWAR
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Gunbreaker IconGNB
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Dancer IconDNC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Bard IconBRD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

  • Dark Knight IconDRK
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

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More Paladin layouts

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Valen Bree

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Just copied Nanaki's

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    XHB 1 Single target XHB 2 Group target

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    WIP Using hb2 and 3 for shared across both modes

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    PLD hotbars based on my GNB hotbars. I use a macro to combine both stuns. Note: I play PLD less than GNB so room for improvements, but wanted all the similar moves to be in the same spots.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Putting this up for a friend. I'm not a great tank so this is probably not optimal and/or is missing stuff. Not updated for 7.0.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    This is a separate cross hotbar for single target and aoe. Hope you enjoy! :)

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lv60 Paladin Hotbars

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I like keeping my bars organized like my hands.

    Bar 3 is on the left and bar 1 and 2 are stacked on the right so that they mirror as two full rows.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Youtuber 99_Vit bars from what I could see modded for my preferred layout

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Work in Progress

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