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More White Mage layouts
FF14: WHM-7.0
Macro0: Asylum <me>
Macro1: Liturgy of the Bell <me>
Althea's WHM Layout
This is very likely a tweak of one of Squintina's WHM layouts - I was heavily influenced by her when I started playing WHM. I have changed some things to better suit my style. Updated for 7.0.
The Dye icon on hotbar 3 is Eurekan Potion, as I sometimes do play WHM in Eureka.
White Mage Level 70
Bars 1, 4 are the main bars. Bar 1 for single target damage and single target healing. Bar 4 for multi-target damage and multi-target healing.
I try to keep the same category of ability on the placement between these two bars, so for instance, Regen/Medica II are on the same relative position as they both provide regen. The same with Cure and Cure II versus Medica and Cure III for non-regen heals.Left Expanded XHB bar is for less frequently used heals with long cooldowns or heals that use a resource like blood lilly. These are also placed on a standard non-XHB bar visible at all times, so I can see their cooldowns even when I don't have it selected. The exlaimation point macro there is an experiment I'm trying which combines swiftcast with an all-classes raise. I've not had a chance to use it yet for all of them, so I keep it there alongside my actual raise ability as a backup.
7.0 All Casts on Arrows, Instants on Symbols
If it was possible, but it isn't. Too bad. I wish there was only 16 Instant/OGCd spells. -WHM with a bad left thumb
I try to move my index fingers as little as possible while playing. Nothing really on LTLT or RTRT because I fumble that input like crazy. My pointers aren't so great either it turns out.
this is where i want to put hotbars.
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
CrossHotbar para iniciantes eu acho Cross 4 esta em todas jobs
WHM 7.05
Updated for Dawntrail
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
100 WHM PvE 4xHB
Bars stacked with bar 1 on bottom and 4 on top
Bar 1 binds are generic, 2 uses [Ctrl]+, 3 uses [Shift]+, 4 uses [Alt]+
White Mage
This are my WHM hotbars, very much a WIP. Hopefully you enjoy :)
Almost Entirely Based on Ben_R4mZ's 2023 WHM layout:
WHM Level 100
White Mage
A controller layout for comfort and efficiency
More layouts by Annomnomnom
LV 100 AST Hotbar
Single-target heals on left, damage and damage buffs on right, buffs in center, and AOE heals on double-right
Lv 100 SAM Hotbar
Lv 100 RPR Hotbar
Damn, this is a lot of buttons.
DRG Lv. 100 Hotbar
LV 100 BRD Hotbar
'Twas I who fought the dragon
LV 100 GNB Hotbar
Boom boom bakudan
LV 100 PCT Hotbar
Splorp splorp splorp, pretty picture!!
LV 100 MCH Hotbar
Lv 100 DRK Hotbar
Like paladin but edgier
Lv 100 RDM Hotbar
The VerHotbar
MNK LV 100 Hotbar
Basic skills on right, AOE on left, buffs on cross.
LV 100 NIN Hotbar
Something something Hokage, Believe it!