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More Scholar layouts
Arin Ura | 7.0 Scholar
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These are my SCH hotbars, very much a WIP, Hopefully you enjoy :)
Lv90 SCH Controller Layout
Ally-targeted abilities are placed on the D-pad because you will already be using the D-pad to scroll through the party list and select your target. Most GCDs, untargeted buffs/heals, and mobility tools are placed on the face buttons so they are easy to access while moving.
Core damage actions are placed on the RT and RT>LT bars, including Aetherflow and Dissipation. Lossless faerie heals are placed on the RT and RT>LT bars since they should be prioritized over "lossy" Aetherflow and GCD heals. The LT and LT>RT bars mostly consist of lossy healing actions and related abilities.
Hotbars for Lv50 Scholar.
Basic Actions
The basics I want on my bar for easy access
SCH from Bun Boss
from bun boss video
My scholar crosshotbar.
SCH Dawntrail
Healer icon = Seraphism
Just copied Nanaki's
Sch - Dawntrail
This layout is based on the ease of use (for the most part) and grouping of relevant buttons. Overall i try to keep insta casts on the face buttons to enable mobility.
RT (R) - is for insta spells for movement. also the the placements within the RT group allow for the Crit-Adlo-deploy combo with ease.
SCH Hotbar
Hi! This and paladin are my mains, so I hope these hotbars help someone! The inventory button should be replaced with the best potion of mind for your level.
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Macro 3:7 - Place/Heel
/pac Heel /pac Place /micon "Place" pet Eos
More layouts by deeox2
7.0 RDM
Gain Vice of Thorns. (Uncouple from Embolden. Auto-attack as placeholder.)
Gain Cineration. (Uncouple from Manafication if possible?)
7.0 SMN
Gain Searing Flash. (Decouple from Searing Light. Teleport as placeholder.)
No new buttons otherwise.
7.0 MCH
Gain Full Metal Field. (Decouple from Barrel Stabilizer. Teleport as placeholder.)
Seems like that's about it.
7.0 DNC
Gain Last Dance. (Teleport as Placeholder. Not actually too sure if this is a new button.)
Maybe play with where Saber Dance, Last Dance, Starfall Dance, and Fan Dance IV are. Might feel bad to hit those buttons in those locations.
7.0 BRD
Auto-attack is Pitch Perfect. Keep that seperate.
Gain Resonant Arrow as a follow-up from Barrage. (Uncouple as a follow-up. Down arrow macro icon as placeholder.)
7.0 RPR
No real changes. Unfortunately.
7.0 SAM
Lose Shoha II (Thank God.)
No new buttons.
7.0 NIN
Lose Huraijin.
No new buttons.
7.0 MNK
Lose Anatman.
Not much change otherwise.
7.0 DRG
Spineshatter Dive replaced with Winged Glide.
Not much change.
7.0 SGE
Gain Psyche. (Jump as placeholder.)
Gain Philosophia. (Teleport as placeholder.)
7.0 AST
Lose Astrodyne, Draw, Redraw, Undraw, Play.
Gain Astral/Umbral Draw. (Draw as placeholder.)