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More White Mage layouts
WHM 7.05
Updated for Dawntrail
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
Filmire's Lv.100 White Mage 🎮
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Controller OmniHealer 7.0 (WHM)
Note: Sprint and Limit Break should be on a Shared Hotbar!!!
Ben_R4mZ's WHM 2023
The layout I use for my WHM, will most likely change if I run into issues while attempting harder content.
All hotbar keybinds are arranged as follows
2: CV12
3: 345TAlthea's WHM Layout
This is very likely a tweak of one of Squintina's WHM layouts - I was heavily influenced by her when I started playing WHM. I have changed some things to better suit my style. Updated for 7.0.
The Dye icon on hotbar 3 is Eurekan Potion, as I sometimes do play WHM in Eureka.
Tilingo's WHM
XHB 1 Most healing actions XHB 2 DMG actions
Hotbars for Lv60 White Mage.
this is where i want to put hotbars.
100 WHM PvE 4xHB
Bars stacked with bar 1 on bottom and 4 on top
Bar 1 binds are generic, 2 uses [Ctrl]+, 3 uses [Shift]+, 4 uses [Alt]+
LV 100 WHM Hotbar
Just copied Nanaki's
White Mage
My white mage crosshotbars. ! macro is "/target <f> tank macro is "/target <2>
More layouts by b00tysensei
FF14: MNK-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: SGE-7.0
Macro0: Kerachole <wait>/Rhizomata
Macro1: Icarus <2>/Icarus <t>
FF14: AST-7.0
Macro0: Earthly Star <me>
Macro1: Synastry<t>/Synastry<2>
FF14: SCH-7.0
Macro0: Sacred Soil <me>
Macro1: Chain Stratagem <t>/ Energy Drain
FF14: GNB-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14 : DRK-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: WAR-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: PLD-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: RPR-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: PCT-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: RDM-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
FF14: BLM-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)