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More layouts by deeox2

  • Red Mage IconRDM
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Vice of Thorns. (Uncouple from Embolden. Auto-attack as placeholder.)

    Gain Cineration. (Uncouple from Manafication if possible?)

  • Summoner IconSMN
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Searing Flash. (Decouple from Searing Light. Teleport as placeholder.)

    No new buttons otherwise.

  • Machinist IconMCH
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Full Metal Field. (Decouple from Barrel Stabilizer. Teleport as placeholder.)

    Seems like that's about it.

  • Dancer IconDNC
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Last Dance. (Teleport as Placeholder. Not actually too sure if this is a new button.)

    Maybe play with where Saber Dance, Last Dance, Starfall Dance, and Fan Dance IV are. Might feel bad to hit those buttons in those locations.

  • Bard IconBRD
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Auto-attack is Pitch Perfect. Keep that seperate.

    Gain Resonant Arrow as a follow-up from Barrage. (Uncouple as a follow-up. Down arrow macro icon as placeholder.)

  • Reaper IconRPR
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    No real changes. Unfortunately.

  • Samurai IconSAM
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lose Shoha II (Thank God.)

    No new buttons.

  • Ninja IconNIN
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lose Huraijin.

    No new buttons.

  • Monk IconMNK
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lose Anatman.

    Not much change otherwise.

  • Sage IconSGE
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Psyche. (Jump as placeholder.)

    Gain Philosophia. (Teleport as placeholder.)

  • Astrologian IconAST
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lose Astrodyne, Draw, Redraw, Undraw, Play.

    Gain Astral/Umbral Draw. (Draw as placeholder.)

  • Scholar IconSCH
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Gain Seraphism. (Teleport as placeholder.)

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More Dragoon layouts

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Hotbars for Lv60 Dragoon.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    My personal bar!

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Dragoon XHB - Current

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
    • Buffs on top. (Ordered according to the optimal rotation)
    • Weaponskills in the middle. ("Cross" shape on both sides)
    • oGCD attacks below. (Parallel to top oGCD buffs)
    • Extras in top corners, sides. (General: `~ 7 , Job: Ins H )
    • Role actions on shift. (Prefer AQWRTG but ZXCV available)
    • Consumables on alt. (Potion: Alt+W, Tincture: Alt+R) (Companion actions = placeholders)

    [Hotbar 2] Left fingers: Ring or Pinky 1 2 3 Tab Q W Ins A `~ Z X C

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Basic DPS rotation with movement skills, a flowchart, and visualized cooldowns. Bars four, five, and six are in the center of my screen so I can easily see cooldowns as well as visualize the flowchart of the typical Dragoon DPS rotation.

    Bar 1 - Main Rotation:

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    NOTE: The "Stance" key there is for you to replace with your Draught of Strength since I couldn't find the item on this tool.

    1 is normally mapped 2 is usually Ctrl + {Number} 3 is usually Shift + {Number} 4 is usually Alt + {Number}

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    My basic layout for all jobs. Hotbar 1 single target, hotbar 2 AOE. The focus of each is their respective core GCDs, and then I mimic the OGCD on each so switching isn't required unless going from AOE to single target situations or vice versa. Nastrond is used quite a lot in double weaves so I have it on both sides for ease of access. Expanded hotbar 3 for job specific potions, food, movement, role actions, extras I want access to regardless of single target or aoe situations. Hotbar 4 is shared quick access to whatever ya want on the WXHB.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Lvl 100 Dragoon XHB made by a ps5 player

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    XHB 1 Single target XHB 2 Multiple target

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Personal Hotbar Setup

    SSD == Winged Glide HJ + MD combined

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