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    MIN Layout

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    Full gatherer setup, identical to the BTN one. Left side XHB 2 is missing the following skills: Fathom Truth of Oceans Shark Eye Shark Eye 2 Triangulate Truth of Forests Arbor Call Arbor Call 2 (I have these on for Diadem gathering)

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  • Miner IconMIN
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    The XHB setup I use for my Miner. 1-3 are unique to MIN, all else are shared between all jobs. XHB4's LT->RT pane is a selection of emotes. XHB7 is my job selector.

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    1 - General Skills

    This is for everyday normal gathering. The + is a high cordial.

    2 - Specialty Extras

    1 = FSH job 2 = BTN job 3 = Cordial 4 = Alarms

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    Valen Bree

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