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LV 100 AST Hotbar
Single-target heals on left, damage and damage buffs on right, buffs in center, and AOE heals on double-right
AST Dawntrail
Undraw = Play I
Redraw = Play II
Valen Bree
Controller OmniHealer 7.0 (AST)
Note: Sprint and Limit Break should be on a Shared Hotbar!!!
Based off Squintina's EW layout with some things moved around to accommodate the rework to the cards
Pre 7.0
Modded from Boss Buns to fit my playstyle
AST 7.05
Updated for Dawntrail
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
Astrologian Bars
Keybinds for those interested.
I use an mmo mouse so 1-6 on all bars are pressed on the mouse, uisng shift and ctrl for bar 2 and 3. The latter 6 on all bars are pressed uisng the keyboard and shift/ctrl.
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Controller Astrologian
Sprint is a macro for the right thumbstick (R3) and is placed in a hidden hotbar
/macroerror off /macroicon Sprint /actionerror off /recasterror off /action Sprint /pvpaction Bolt
DT 7.0
Macro Info
1 = Play I Macro
2 = Play II Macro
3 = Play III Macro